
It cannot b ne closer than it is the closest thing to u.

I dont hav much to say abt death. Just keep remembering abt it and do ur deeds accordingly...

Every one will face it, no one escapes it. It is a pain, which v must pray to b lessened. [hudhu fothi gandakah mohoru jahafa fothigandu dhamaigathyma vaa goiy furaana ah vaane, alhu gandah engifa vaa gothun].

Loosing a loved one doesnt mean u have to scream and shout, as he/she can c everything u r doing. After death, ur soul will know whether ur report card is nice or not. If a solih human died, kashu kama kemyga ulhey meehunnah varah hiy hama jehumuge ihsaas thah kurevey kamuga vey, as the soul will b impatient with burial. But if the souls has a bad report comming, it will b angry at how fast the people are burying him/her. Sum times it is said that the people working had faced frightening expreiences too. But it is not good to say "when v were burying **** v faced this and that". Coz that means the humans pride will be lost in the living world.

Death can meet ne one at ne time. Just be ready for it.....there was a touching story in sum dharuma. I hope to publish it soon. Ne way dont forget death ingey, dont fear it. Which means be in a ready state, what eva time, where eva :)


shweetikle said...

so furaana will be iraigen dhaningz?? =s

autodynamix said...

true true. death is just arnd the corner. no one knows for sure when its gonna happen. better be ready dho like u said.

Fureeeeeku! said...

yeah, sum thing like that shweet, where the soul is like being pierced by nails to the body and then tearing the soul away from the body.

*autodynamix* : yeah dho? there is no better way than to get ready to a surely coming thing :)

Ruba said...

I once read this story about two marines stuck in a sinking submarine. They know they are about to die, there's nothing they can do about it so they just sit and play cards. But with every word that they dont say, you feel the chill arise in you.
Death is like that. It scares the shit out of everyone but lets face it. We're all inevitably destined to die.

manippulhu said...

freeku .. furaana ah vaa goi gothuge vaahak hadhees thakuga eba huri varah ginain . adhi kuree dhuvahehgga fenunu Bukhaaree in varah salhi hadhees eh!! soalihu meehaa Adhi nubai meehaa maru ganna vaa goi adhi maruvumah fahu e dhemeehun gaburu ga onna haalu! ulhey goi .. dhimaavaa kanthah..
maru viyas adhi nimuneekeenoon!! e hisaabun adhi feshunee ingey kudhinney!!! ekamu ehadhees v dhigu . eyge english translation eh feney tho balaalaaanan ingey .. inshaa allaah .. adhi maraa behey gothun varah iburai theri story thakhe ves eba huri. evaahaka thah kiyaa dhinun eba oi .. :D

s[u]jau said...

death is the most closest thing and also the thing at most far. We expect death, but never realise it!

Fureeeeeku! said...

*velvette storme* ; yeah, but i dont think that each and every one gets the sh*t out of them...sum r good ennu.

*manippulhu* ; yeah, u r absolutely right. I aslo didnt bother abt them so much for sum reasons. Maa dhigu nama kiya meehun madhuvaane. ne way i wait for ur gift ^_^

*s[u]jau* ; exactly...hehe

*dotmini* ; thanks

ab said...

Death... Ummm so hard wen u lose sum1 close...

Anonymous said...

true...very tru...hehe...nice post dudes...can i borrow ur brain for my english essays?? LOLX...keke =P

Fureeeeeku! said...

*waylander* ; yeah, i have experienced even...

*aishiiz* ; im sure u have a very good brain ur self, aishiiz. Just put sum effort, and u will b sureprised ^_^

Nynaeve Al' Meara said...

you've said it all my friend.

ummkhadheeja said...

salaam maashaAllah nice post.............this life is nothin but temporary amusement.......may Allah guide u to the straight path..amen