There are a lot of people doing hard work all around the world. Some do it just for fun, but most others do it to earn a living. There are also people doing hard work because they are supposed to do it. Or becuase there is no alternative.
What ever the situation, every one will be longing for a word of appreciation. It is better than giving a pay. It works best when some one gets a word of appreciation, when he/she is least expecting it. Numerous number of emotional feeling go throuh your mind. Your heart softens, even if you are at the middle of a furious argument. You will find a special place in your heart for him/her.
Thinking of how nice it feels to be appreciated, I would also like to shed a light on how it would feel like to be not appreciated. Maybe you might not be expecting a word of apprication after finishing a hard work. But if you were, then there will be hatred within you. You will not be willing to work for him/her. Every time you see him/her, you will want to go away.
So please make sure that if any one works for you, or if some one helps you, be sure to appreciate their work. That will make you and them happy. There will be friendliness between all.
The picture above is a rose I gave to my mother, a simple thing that I hope will make her smile, and understand that I appreciate her work, and everything. That is a rose I got from a dinner at Paradise. I came home late that night, so I kept the flower on her purse and slept. When I woke up that was what she had done with the rose :)